Responsible and conscious gaming
When we talk about Responsible Gambling we mean all those behaviors aimed at not being overwhelmed by online gaming. it is a Presidium of legality and wants its readers to realize that playing must only be fun. We want to improve the quality of the game by making visitors to our site informed about the risks associated with gambling in a way that is not in accordance with dip Remember that the game can cause pathological dependence and is prohibited for children under 18 years old . Before playing, always check the odds of winning each game provided by the dealers authorized to play at a distance. Always play responsibly and safely, play without exaggeration! it offers comparisons of bonuses and features related to gambling halls licensed and licensed by state monopolies. We are an information and comparison site in compliance with legislative decree 87/2018 as well as the principles of continence, non-deceptiveness and transparency, as indicated by the authority for guarantees in the communication in point 5.6 of its guidelines (attached to resolution 132/19/CONS).
Below we provide you with all the information you need to know about responsible and safe gambling. We inform you on how to recognize the warning signs that could make you understand if you have some problems related to the game. We provide links to institutional sites and useful numbers to combat the GAP (pathological gambling) to make your experience as safe and responsible as possible.
How to recognize pathological gambler
There are some signs that you need to watch out for. You may not notice, but you may have problems with the game. Ludopathy is a serious problem and must be treated with the support of professionals and relying on institutions. The pathological gambler fails to curb his desire to play, intoxicated by the possibility of winning. Below we list some of the main behaviors and symptoms related to compulsive gambling and gambling:
- High and unjustified exaltation in the face of bets, games of azardo that imply a high risk of loss.
- Actions aimed at facilitating one's propensity to gamble such as borrowing money to gamble, selling personal and family assets for the sole purpose of obtaining money to gamble or even committing unlawful acts to obtain money to gamble.
- Predisposition to bet and play ever greater amounts of money, even in games with minimal probability of winnings.
- Feelings of depression and guilt that arise after losing large sums of money at the game or having incurred debts due to one's desire to play.
- Tendency to have an obsessive thought towards the game, whatever it is that becomes a fundamental part of one's daily life, up to limiting and worsening the work situation, one's personal interests, all family, social and friendship relationships.
- Episodes of lies related to one's own experience with the game. Tendency to lie to friends and family about their gaming experience, amounts played and losses made by playing.
- Spasmodic desire to talk about the game or previous winnings very often without being asked directly on the topic of the game.
- Total refusal to define oneself as addicted to the game or to the idea of being in any way obsessed with playing.
- Minimization of risks related to gambling and denial of one's propensity to gamble.
- Total inability to stop or resist games and bets even in case there is a great determination not to play.
If after reading these lines you feel in any way that you suffer from pathological gambling or recognize yourself in some of these behaviors, immediately get help from professionals. Even if you realize that you are only practicing some of these behaviors you must get help immediately. Here are some useful links and phone numbers to try to counter Ludopathy:
- Institutional Toll-Free Number for gambling-related issues: 800 55 88 22
- If the game is no longer a game can someone give you a hand: - Anonymous and free toll-free number: 800 151 000
– Page of the Higher Institute of Health for gambling-related disorders
– List of gambling support centers divided by Region
– Ministry of Defense page dedicated to pathological gambling
In addition to taking information on the links above, you can contact your local ASL directly and ask for information on social utility services for the treatment of pathological gambling present in your region, city or area of residence and/or more easily accessible. Drug Addiction Services (Ser.T) or the Psychiatric Services of the main public or affiliated hospitals.
Tips on how to deal with pathological gambling
The first advice is to intervene immediately, that is, from the first signs of problems related to the game. Quick and voluntary action increases the possibility of solving the problem in a short time, without complicating your personal and family situation. By acting quickly through institutional tools or with the support of recognized professionals such as psychologists and psychiatrists, one can avoid relational conflicts, economic losses, worsening of one's psychophysical well-being and in many cases even problems with Justice.
The main interventions to be put in place to try to limit one's gambling addiction can be:
- Self-help groups
- Psychological support
- Drug therapy
Many studies show that overcoming your gambling addiction, with consequent relapses, is easier if you give up all types and forms of gambling altogether. Very often a great level of self-control is required that pathological players struggle to have. Try to avoid not only the most “risky” games and / or those that have caused you to become addicted, but all games of chance in any form and through any tool, both physical and online.
How to help a person suffering from gambling-related disorders
If you have family or friends who suffer from gambling disorder or just feel that someone dear to you may have such problems, take action immediately. First talk to the person concerned trying to understand their degree of problem. He approaches the speech calmly without “cornering " it and tries to get you to tell about his relationship with the game. If you realize that the problems are, direct it to institutional Centers for the contrast to the GAP, you will find a lot of useful information in the links above on this page. Stay close to her and give her all your moral support to try to improve her psycho-physical state. protection of legality and responsible gaming
We of we try in every way to counteract pathological gambling and gambling-related problems. Our site only compares online gaming sites that have been licensed by dip We are always available to provide you with all the information you need to combat problem gambling, in whatever form it manifests itself in you. We are on the side of responsible, legal and safe gambling. Remember that the game has to be fun and when it is no longer, then it is time to stop. We of we will never stop providing support to everyone who needs it. Play responsibly and without exaggeration. If you have any problems don't be stupid, get help!
The Staff of